Intuitive Methods

Intuitive Analysis Methods

Basing decisions on rational choices is sometimes very difficult, especially when some of the pertinent parameters are unclear. Normally all pros and cons have already been evaluated extensively but there appears to be no satisfactory solution for the problem at hand. In such cases intuitive analysis and decision making methods provide excellent solutions.

Additionally, intuitive methods can help to expand the focus on a rational solution in seemingly obvious situations and can thus help to optimize the chosen strategy. Often you will also find an alternative approach not previously considered that is actually more conducive to achieving the established goal. These methods are suitable to all facets of a company, be it in human resources administration and management, analysis of production problems, labor negotiations, sales and marketing on in general strategic planning or tactical considerations.

Beyond the area of problem analysis intuitive methods have enormous potential to improve your personal development, be it in the area of overcoming a weakness, calming your nerves, achieving equanimity in conflict situations, modify sub-optimal behavior patterns or increasing self confidence. These techniques are applicable on short notice.

Graduate Econo­mist (university) in business ad­min­is­tra­tion, empirical sociology and eco­nomic psycho­logy.

Project leader, consultant, trainer with own system since 2003, including systemic knowledge, Kinesiology and Geomancy. Aikido teacher.

Languages: English, German

Heiko Kieser
Peter-Dörfler-Str. 1
D-86672 Thierhaupten

Phone: +49 8271 802456
Fax: +49 8271 802457

Flyer: Intuitive Methods

Dipl. oec. Heiko Kieser  •  Peter-Dörfler-Str.1  •  D-86672 Thierhaupten (Germany)  •  Phone +49 8271 802 456  •  Fax +49 8271 802 457  •  infoHeikoKieserde